Laundry Room Sign
I have seen so many cute laundry room signs that I loved but did not like the $ of them SO.. I decided I would "create" my own.
The idea started when I found the large safety pins on Ballard Designs that I had my eye on for a few years just did not know quite how I would use them.
Started out with a trip to Home Depot and as usual my fav place Michaels.. (also just found out there is one coming to Napa I am SOOO excited!!)
Painted the board and letters ...
Glued on some scrap burlap I had around..
Hot glued the letters and added some thumb tack embellishments (fancy it up a bit)
Here is the before
Not as boring....
and yes.. to much time on my hands...
Now I am not hooked on.... SPRAY PAINT... so will be posting next project soon..
Thanks for checking it out