Back to School
As we started 1st grade I am shocked at how much homework is expected. So I figured we would start with a good mobile homework "station". I had read several blogs regarding kids and homework and ideas to keep them motivated. Dominic loves this homework caddy and seems excited everyday to do his homework. I hope he always has this "excitement" for the next 16+ years. LOL
As we started 1st grade I am shocked at how much homework is expected. So I figured we would start with a good mobile homework "station". I had read several blogs regarding kids and homework and ideas to keep them motivated. Dominic loves this homework caddy and seems excited everyday to do his homework. I hope he always has this "excitement" for the next 16+ years. LOL
Got a " cleaning" bucket
Of course we hit up Target to load up on supplies
Of course we have to "label" it
And Homework Caddy is ready for some 1st grade action.
Thanks for following. I took a little break from crafting but, now I have a whole bunch more up my sleeves