Halloween Fun
I am not a big Halloween decorating fan but, as Dominic gets older I have started to get "into" it a bit more.
Here are a few things I created.
This sign is actually the other side of a Christmas sign I made last year. I will post it with my holiday decorations. I can't even think of those yet. I still need to put all this stuff away and get ready for Thanksgiving.
These are just various things I put up around the hose to make it a little bit "festive" I guess you could say.
My husbands pumpkin creation.....
The "mummy" juices I made out of gauze for the 1st grade Halloween party. Was a hit as the kids took them apart and made headbands out of the gauze. I should be happy it was used for another "cause" lol
Thank you pinterest for the many inspirations I get!